We have great news for all of you disc golfers! We have confirmed all critical things at this point and the Tyyni 2024 registration opens February 12th with International registration. This gives more time for you to book flights, make holiday plans and look for accommodation.
Before jumping into the event’s details, here is a little backstory of this giant leap in the event development.
Tyyni started its journey back in 2013 at the Helsinki, Kivikko course. The first Tyyni event was hosted and directed by Juha Kytö, the founder of NBDG.
“Tyyni was my first PDGA sanctioned hosted event. Since the beginning, it has been an event that develops year by year, and we are not afraid of trying to do new things to offer stellar experiences for the players. After having the event “taking its place” for few years now, it was a perfect time to do a proper shaking and make a leap to a fresh experience.
While we (NBDG) are hosting Finnish Nationals at the Sibbe Course this year, it was a perfect time to put the idea of taking Tyyni elsewhere in action. We cannot think of a better place to have it than Sweden, with the highest number of PDGA players in Europe and especially the capital, Stockholm, with the legendary Järva course and the fantastic courses surrounding it. Järva has been in the highlight for years, but there are plenty of highly valued courses around the Great Stockholm area that everybody should experience.
Now is a great chance to make that trip!”
Juha Kytö – Founder of Tyyni, CEO of NBDG.
Juha Kytö riding into the lead card at Tyyni 2023. Photo: Marika Salmi / EPT
Taking the Tyyni to new ventures is welcomed well in the neighbouring country and the local organizing crew.
“The Järva Crew is extremely happy to sail Tyyni to a new destination and hopes that it will have a big impact on players all around Europe. We cannot wait to have you all here for the most exciting Tyyni week this summer.” -Simon Lindgren, Järva DGP
[Järva Open TD Simon Lindgren (on left) announcing Knut Valen Håland as winner of EPT Järva Open 2022. Photo: Marika Salmi / EPT
Here is a short brief about the schedule and other important things regarding the Biggest Disc Golf Event in Europe – Tyyni 2024
TYYNI MAIN EVENTS – Järva Open (DGPT Silver for MPO and FPO) and Tyyni (all other divisions)
Tyyni is an event and experience that lasts for 8 days and is filled with dozens of separate events from One round C-tiers, doubles events, Team battle and it is concluded with the main event that is the number one event for many players during the season.
In 2024 the main event will be technically split into two separate events. Järva Open will be played from August 2nd to August 4th, 2024. This event is part of DGPT Europe and is intended for top professional players around Europe and rest of the world and will be played only at the Järva DGP.
The other main event, the bigger one, is TYYNI. This event will be played from August 1st to August 3rd, and you know this one as “regular Tyyni”.
Together with the DGPT Silver event there is room for around 1000 players and a lot of divisions to choose from. And the entire week is filled with Tyyni One Round events, practise days, Team Battles etc. etc. The Tyyni experience is a total of 8 days of living in a disc golf bubble!
The pre-registration phase is already going on. Players with guaranteed spots, Tyyni lottery winners, wild cards, and DGPT Tour Pass holders are already joining the event. These players will be contacted very soon by email for further information.
First open phase of registration information bellow:
February 12th, 18:00 CET- Järva Open: MPO minimum rating 1000, FPO minimum rating 900
February 12th, 18:00 CET- Tyyni: International players living outside Sweden
Detailed registration info can be found HERE
Järva Open – https://www.discgolfscene.com/tournaments/DGPT_Silver_Jarva_Open_x_Tyyni_2024
Tyyni X – https://tjing.se/event/804c2849-e263-4d20-b19c-31cb77aa611e
Be sure to follow the news and updates. Here are the most important links at this point: