Players that want to come and play Tyyni this year will need to use how to score their discgolf rounds in Tjing. “Tjing is made for everyone. A competition and practice tool for pros, amateurs and recreational players, as well as casual rounds with friends.”
To register to the Tyyni x Järva event and also One Round C-tier and Team Battles and other you need to have a Tjing account which is free to create and use. Download their app or go to the home page Tjing to create and fill in all the info required for you account.
Pin for signature
When using Tjing you usually need to sign your score card.
This is done my setting up a pin code for your account. Then after your round you sign with that pin code so that the TD know you have validated your and your cards scorecards.
When running double/triple you need to create a team before the registration with your teammates.
This is done in the account settings or durring the registration of a doubles event. All players need to have a Tjing account.
You can have multiple teams with other friends in.
Score Keeping
More information on how to do this will come later.
Tjing will be releasing an updated version soon.
Tjing FAQ
You can find much more information about the app HERE