This post contains a lot of current information about Tyyni 2021 and side events. Please read the entire post carefully.
NBDG Tyyni 2021 will be organized. For the entire Tyyni event week, we have drawn up a comprehensive plan for a corona-safe organizing of the main event and various side events. The plan has been approved by the authorities and there should be no obstacles for organizing the event, as long as all participants follow the common rules of the game.
We need to do some changes to original plans, follow some special guidelines and also cancel some side events. Tyyni main event, Tyyni One Round events and some of the other side events will be organized as scheduled.
No audience for events – Based on the current situation, we are unable to accept an audience for the event. While gathering restrictions do not directly preclude this, different requirements for directing the audience and dividing them into smaller blocks prevent this possibility for such a large event. Naturally, we are still looking for solutions if it would somehow be possible to get the audience involved, but so far there is no green light for it.
No mass events – Unfortunately, at the moment, it also looks like Wednesday’s opening ceremony as well as Saturday’s awards ceremony and closing ceremony will have to be left out of the program. We are still exploring the possibility of organizing them.
Mask use – Event staff will wear masks at tournament offices and other event points. We also recommend using the mask for all participants when doing business at common venues.
Hygiene – We remind all participants to observe good hand hygiene. There are disinfection points in tournament offices, but it is also good to have a disinfectant in your own bag.
Updated course maps will be published in week 25.
Pre-registration will be opened for all Tyyni One Round events, with a preliminary tee time booking. In this way, we avoid unnecessary congestion and queuing at competition venues. At the same time, participants are better able to plan their own schedules.
The Metrix pages for the Tyyni One Round have been opened. Registration for the competitions opens on Tuesday 15.6.
- 28.6. Tyyni One Round – Virvik - 28.6. Tyyni One Round – Keinukallio - 29.6. Tyyni One Round – Nevas - 29.6. Tyyni One Round – Ford DGP - 30.6. Tyyni One Round – Sibbe - 30.6. Tyyni One Round – Kokonniemi
For other side competitions, more information later.
Practising on courses is possible according to the schedule. Tee-time must be booked in advance for Sibbe and Nevas training. Departure time can be booked through Metrix:
The schedule of the event has been updated on
Slightly larger special arrangements will be introduced at Nevas course, as it is unfortunately not possible to drive and park in Nevas due to the limited number of parking spaces and the huge number of golf course users.
We will arrange a free shuttle bus transfer to Nevas for event days. More information about bus schedules and route as soon as we get them confirmed. Keep this in mind at this point in your own plans, leave enough time for transportation on your own schedule.
At this point, it is good to recall two important things so that participation in the event is not unexpectedly missed.
PDGA membership / SFL competition license – Finnish players must have an SFL competition license valid in the competition. If the membership/license has not been bought yet, now is the high time to get it done. If you are purchasing membership for the first time, be sure to update your PDGA number on the DiscGolfScene registration information.
Correct division – Many competitors have a rating above the limit of their class. Too high a rating is not allowed to play in a class, even if you have registered for it a long time ago. Almost all divisions currently have spots available, so you can easily change the division. Send an email to about the change. In the message, state your name, PDGA number, and the division you want to change to.
Oikea luokka – Monella kilpailijalla on rating noussut yli luokkansa ylärajan. Liian korkealla ratingilla ei saa pelata luokassa, vaikka siihen olisi ilmoittautunut jo kauan sitten. Lähes kaikissa luokissa on tällä hetkellä tilaa, joten luokan vaihtaminen onnistuu helposti. Laita vaihdosta sähköpostia Kerro viestissä nimesi, PDGA-numerosi ja luokka johon haluat vaihtaa.
We cannot say anything certain about the possibility for foreigners to compete in Tyyni at this stage. The current restrictions on entry are valid until 27 June. There is no information on how they will change after that deadline. Due to the current restrictions, only necessary travel to Finland is allowed.
Entry restrictions:
We have extended the terms for withdrawals and refunds due to the uncertain situation that has occurred on a couple of occasions. The following terms are currently in effect:
If the withdrawal is made no later than June 19th
- Spot and entry fee rolled for Tyyni 2022 event
The competitor will get a secure place in the Tyyni 2022 event through pre-registration. The entry fee will also be transferred - Gift card to NBDG’s online store. 100% od entry fee + 10% extra value
- Refund via PayPal. 100% of the participation fee, PayPal expenses are non-refundable
If the withdrawal is made from June 20th to June 29th
- Spot and entry fee rolled for Tyyni 2022 event
The competitor will get a secure place in the Tyyni 2022 event through pre-registration. The entry fee will also be transferred - A Gift card to NBDG’s online store. 100% of entry fee + 10% extra value, if the spot can be filled from the queue or in another way
B Gift card for NBDG online store. 40% of the entry fee if the place cannot be filled - A Refund via PayPal. 100% of the participation fee, if the spot can be filled from the queue or in any other way
B Refund via PayPal. 25% of the participation fee if the place cannot be filled
If the withdrawal is made after June 29th
- Spot and entry fee rolled for Tyyni 2022 event
The competitor will get a secure place in the Tyyni 2022 event through pre-registration. The entry fee will also be transferred - Gift card to NBDG’s online store. 100% of entry fee + 10% extra value, only if the spot can be filled from the queue or in another way
- Refund via PayPal. 100% of the participation fee, only if the spot can be filled from the queue or in any other way
In all cases of withdrawal, custom discs made as an additional order will be mailed to the players. It is not possible to get a refund for them.
All withdrawals must be handled by e-mail to
Please note that due to foreigner entry restrictions, cancellations are currently congested.
Groups and tee-times for the first round will be announced at the latest on TuesdayJune 29th. Start times are published on both the DiscGolfMetrix and the PDGA page. Please note that tee-times may change due to last minute cancellations. Always check your own tee-time the night before and again in the morning of the competition day.
Disc Golf Metrix is one of the platforms for scoring. If you don’t have registered there yet, do it in advance.
We will open the application for volunteer assignments as soon as possible.
For Tyyni related question, please contact by e-mail