Player info – part 3

by | Jul 6, 2022

The action has begun!

Side events has alrady been running for two days and nights, but now the real action has begun. Check-in is going on at Sibbe Disc Golf and players are getting their player packs. There is also Tyyni One Round events going on at Ramirent Nevas and Ford Amateur. Tyyni Opening Ceremony will be held at Sibbe later in the evening.

Schedule for Wednesday, July 6th

  • 07:00 – 21:00 TYYNI ONE ROUND – Ford Amateur DGP
  • 07:00 – 21:00 TYYNI ONE ROUND – Nevas
  • 10:00 – 19:00 TYYNI CHECK-IN – Players package retrieving – Sibbe Disc Golf
  • 10:00 – 14:00 TYYNI PHOTOGRAPHER taking player photos at check-in
  • 19:30 – 20:30 TYYNI OPENING CEREMONY – Sibbe Disc Golf

Ford DGP, Keinukallio and Virvik are available for practise for all players today

Tyyni Check-in & player package

There are two scheduled times for doing the check-in and get your player package. Check-in is located at Sibbe.

  • Wednesday, 6th 10:00 – 19:00 
  • Thursday, 7th 9:00 – 12:00 (Late check-in)

We highly recommend to do the check-in inside scheduled times when we have staff working to serve you.

Player package belongs for ALL players in all main event divisions. Umbrella, disc, shirt, hat, your personal country mini, three different restaurant coupons to get free food or drinks and other small goodies.

First round tee-times

Tee-times and groups for the first round was published yesterday. Notice there might be some changes due late withdrawals. Remember to check your tee-time in the evening and double check it in the morning.

Direct links to first round tee-times:

Caddy books

We have updated some caddy books a little bit. Please take care to check always the latest version from Metrix page or from the shared folder with all caddy books and course maps (


  • Measured hole lengths for Nevas
  • Some missing bunker OB’s added to Nevas caddy book
  • Dangerous area / bee nest on hole #16 added to Keinukallio caddy book
  • Measured length for hole #18 at Sibbe

Nevas shuttle bus

If you play at Ramirent Nevas, remember to use the shuttle bus from Neste K Sipoonlahti to Nevas. 

Information and daily schedules:

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