Welcome to Tyyni 2024 at Stockholm, Sweden

Welcome to Tyyni 2024 at Stockholm, Sweden

WELCOME TO TYYNI 2024 AT STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN We have great news for all of you disc golfers! We have confirmed all critical things at this point and the Tyyni 2024 registration opens February 12th with International registration. This gives more time for you to book...

Third round tee-times

Third round tee-times

TEE-TIMES FOR THIRD ROUND Tee-times for the third round has been published a while ago in Tyyni X Metrix page and event's PDGA page. Tyyni X Metrix: LINK You can find your tee-time choosing the the correct Pool (based on your division) and from there choosing 2nd...

Player photos available

Player photos available

WEDNESDAY'S PLAYER PHOTOS AVAILABLE Player photos taken by photographer Marika Salmi on Wednesday, are published now. You can download photos HERE or use the QR code below. Players may use their own photos free. Each photos has got a download button (cloud) and there...

Tee-times for second round

Tee-times for second round

TEE-TIMES FOR SECOND ROUND Tee-times for the second round has been published a while ago in Tyyni X Metrix page and event's PDGA page. Tyyni X Metrix: LINK You can find your tee-time choosing the the correct Pool (based on your division) and from there choosing 2nd...

Player information package

Player information package

Welcome to Tyyni X! Tyyni One Round and Tyyni Evening Doubles are running, players are practising the courses and the staff is working hard for the event. Very soon it is time for the second Tyyni main event, TYYNI X - 10th time anniversary event. You are heartly...

Tee-times for first round

Tee-times for first round

TEE-TIMES FOR FIRST ROUND Tee-times for the first round has been published in Tyyni X Metrix page and event's PDGA page. Tyyni X Metrix: LINK You can find your tee-time choosing the the correct Pool (based on your division) and from there choosing 1st Round PDGA page:...

Tyyni X update

Tyyni X update

IMPORTANT UPDATES There has been some important updates during past couple of days on Tyyni.com and other channels. Here are the summary of latest updates. TYYNI X - CADDY BOOKCaddy book for Tyyni X has been published. In the caddy book you can find more detailed...

Huge information update

Huge information update

SOON IT IS TYYNI TIME! The ultimate TYYNI EXPERIENCE is about the kick-off very soon. Jussin Kisat, the legendary Tyyni pre-event, will be played already next weekend. Next week it is time for Tyyni Juniors, EPT Tyyni Open and the first Tyyni Evening Doubles event....

Vapaaehtoishaku avattu

Vapaaehtoishaku avattu

FORE! Oletko sinä etsimämme vapaaehtoinen TYYNI 2023 tapahtumaan? Kyseessä on Euroopan suurin frisbeegolftapahtuma ja nyt sinulla olisi mahtava tilaisuus päästä nauttimaan kesästä frisbeegolfin parissa huippuporukan kera! Tällä kertaa Tyyni jakautuu kahteen erilliseen...

One Round events open in Metrix

One Round events open in Metrix

TYYNI ONE ROUNDS As you might already know, Tyyni is not just the main events. It is a lot more and one big thing of Tyyni experience is the TYYNI One Round and TYYNI After Dawn events. These events are one round PDGA C-tiers played on multiple courses before the...